
the 41bb-dependent immune response

PAG Title the 41bb-dependent immune response
PAG ID WAG000019
Type P
Source Link BioCarta
Publication Reference NA
PAG Description The activation of T cells requires a co-stimulatory sigl with T cell receptor activation, provided in many cases by activation of CD28 in resting T cells. 4-1BB (CD137) is a member of the TNF receptor gene family that provides another T cell co-stimulatory sigl. 4-1BB is expressed by activated cytotoxic and helper T cells and its expression is induced by a variety of T cell stimuli, including activation of the T cell receptor or stimulation with mitogens. The ligand for 4-1BB (4-1BBL) is induced on activated antigen-presenting cells including macrophages, activating T cells expressing 4-1BB. Mice lacking 4-1BB survive and have an altered though functiol immune response. T cells of mice lacking 4-1BB proliferate more rapidly than normal T cells, but have reduced cytokine secretion. The costimulatory sigl provided by 4-1BB may act in combition with CD28 activation to prolong the T cell response, and may also act independently of CD28. Stimulation of T cells with the 4-1BB ligand may provide a therapeutic immune response in the treatment of cancer or viral infection.
Species Homo sapiens
nCoCo Score 984
Base PAG ID WAG000019
Human Phenotyte Annotation
Curator PAGER curation team
Curator Contact PAGER-contact@googlegroups.com
Gene ID Gene symbol Gene name RP_score
Gene A Gene B Source SCORE

Gene A Gene B Mechanism Source
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